Monday, March 21, 2011

AT&T-T mobile deal - Some random thoughts

1. AT&T again becomes a monopoly in the U.S. - at least in the GSM domain.
2. While reading all the analyses about the deal, it is funny how everyone seems to have suddenly discovered the merits of T-mobile. It is like "don't speak ill of the dead."
3. I don't know if there is a precedent but what if FCC does not allow the buyout to go through. It will be real fun to watch how they resume fighting one another in the market?
4. Now this is a fairly long leap of imagination but given the coming amalgamation in service, over a period of time OS and handsets may ally such that it leaves 3 - 4 major players: Apple; Android + Samsung + HTC; Microsoft + Nokia; and RIM. It will be fun to see how giants on both sides of the fence deal with one another in the US - exclusivity? negotiation power? Exciting times ahead!

Friday, March 18, 2011

International supply chain - A tangled web!

A few months back, every country was trying to devalue its currency to increase its exports. Now Japanese yen is appreciating, effectively devaluing everyone’s currency. One would think other countries would welcome it. But G-7 intervenes to stop yen from rising. Why? If Japanese yen rises, it increases the cost of components that Japan exports to companies in other countries. This, in turn, increases the cost of goods these companies make that may imperil the economic recovery. Hence, everybody joins hands to help depreciate yen.

This reminds me of a line from Yes Minister – Oh, what a tangled web we weave!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

How can one stay neutral?

For all the faults one may find with the US, at least they have the courage to do or push others to do the right thing MOST OF THE TIME. Not like some other nations who stand idle, don’t move a finger, and offer no constructive alternatives. I cannot believe how some countries (India and Germany, I am thinking of you) could abstain on Libya vote in the UN today, that too giving totally incredible and ridiculous reasons.

"When it is a righteous war, not fighting against injustice is the same as abetting injustice!" - Bhagwad Gita